Recent News

Affordable Housing Projects Get Boost From City

Mayor Brandon M. Scott announced grant awards for multiple Community Land Trusts in support of affordable housing efforts. This was the third round of capital grants for CLT work in Baltimore city, and the first round of operating support for working capital provided to these organizations.

DHCD Receives Maryland Association of Counties Innovation Award for Artificial Intelligence Tool That Detects Collapsed Roofs

The Maryland Association of Counties recognized DHCD for developing a cutting-edge artificial intelligence tool that detects collapsed rooftops in Baltimore. MACO presented the City with a County Innovation Award, which is given to recognize superb and leading-edge county programs that improve overall quality-of-life and service delivery for a county's residents.

Scott Administration Secures $12.4 Million for Chick Webb Recreation Center

The renovation and expansion of the Chick Webb Recreation Center in East Baltimore received HUD approval for a Section 108 Loan Guarantee of $12.4 million.  Section 108 provides CDBG funds to communities as a source of low-cost, long-term financing for economic and community development projects that primarily benefit low- and moderate-income persons.

Mayor Scott and DHCD Announce Third Round of CCG Funding, Totaling $2.8 Million

Mayor Brandon M. Scott and DHCD announced 13 award recipients of $2.8 million of capital funding under the CCG Program.
CCG, a competitive awards program, aims to provide capital and operating funds for community-driven revitalization efforts.

City Officials Roll Out Unsafe Vacant Marking Initiative

The Baltimore City Fire Department launched its Unsafe Vacant Marking Initiative to help first responders identify unsafe vacant homes, buildings, or structures when determining the structural integrity before entering.

Fall 2022 Call for Expressions of Interest

DHCD has issued a call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) to develop several city-owned sites.

City Releases First Urban Agriculture RFP

DHCD, in partnership with the Department of Planning, has issued a Request for Proposals for urban agriculture.  The City is seeking urban farming proposals – which can be from for-profits, non-profits, or individuals – for one or more of four identified city-owned sites.

Application Period Opens for Community Catalyst Grants

The Baltimore City Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD) announced the availability of $1.9 million in operating funds under the Community Catalyst Grant

Developers Sought for Strategically Located Properties

The Baltimore City Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD) has issued its Fall 2022 Request for Proposals (RFP)

Fall RFP

Notice of Funding Availability for Community Land Trusts Projects

The City is seeking to promote equitable community development by directing funds to communities suffering from long-term and historical disinvestment.  With this Notice of Funding Availability (NO
