The Baltimore City Department and Housing and Community Development (DHCD) work to improve the quality of life for all Baltimore City residents by revitalizing and redeveloping communities and promoting access to quality affordable housing opportunities in safe, livable neighborhoods.
DHCD was created in 1968 to consolidate local community development efforts with housing and building code enforcement. With just over 400 employees, DHCD strengthens City neighborhoods by attracting investors, developers, and home buyers. Through the administration of CDBG, HOME, City bond funds, and other creative financing mechanisms, the Department finances, and guides strategic development projects to meet housing and neighborhood needs. To hold property owners accountable and keep neighborhoods safe, DHCD monitors construction and building activity and enforces the City's housing and building codes. The Department also provides a host of valuable community services and administers a host of programs for residents.
Vision - the future state we strive for: A Baltimore where current and future residents live in safe and decent housing in thriving, inclusive and equitable neighborhoods. |
Mission - the actions we will take to achieve the vision: DHCD leads City efforts to promote thriving neighborhoods through community revitalization investments; supporting homeowners; funding critical programs and neighborhood stakeholders; creating and preserving affordable housing; and ensuring safe conditions through code enforcement. |
Values - how we intend to carry out our mission:
DHCD is committed to affirmatively further fair housing by promoting non-discrimination, fair and equal housing opportunities, fair housing choice, and to fostering inclusive communities. DHCD implements its programs in a manner that is consistent with the fair housing laws, including but not limited to the Fair Housing Act and the Maryland and Baltimore City laws, which prohibit discrimination in housing or services directly or indirectly on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, familial status, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, and ancestry.
VIEW the Agency's Equity Statement
VIEW the Agency's Capital Improvement Plan Request (FY 2026 - FY 2031)