City Kicks Off the 2022 Summer Meals Program
Tuesday Jun 14th, 2022
200+ locations along with mobile routes will increase youth access to healthy food
BALTIMORE, MD – Today, the Baltimore City Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD), Baltimore City Recreation and Parks, the Family League, St. Vincent DePaul, MD No Kid Hungry, the Maryland State Department of Education, elected officials, and other partners, joined youth at the Towanda Recreation Center to kick off the 2022 Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). Children ages 18 and under will receive a nutritional breakfast and lunch five days a week during the summer months while schools are closed.
“Many children in Baltimore rely on the breakfast and lunch they receive at school as part of their daily nutrition,” said Housing Commissioner Alice Kennedy. “The City and many partners are working together to make sure that no child goes hungry over the summer. We are committed to reducing food insecurity and ensuring that our youth have access to nutritional meals all summer long.”
The Summer Food Service Program is an extension of the National School Lunch Program, which is designed to guarantee eligible children free and nutritious breakfasts and lunches during the school year. The SFSP was created to guarantee these same children at least one nutritionally sound meal a day when schools are not in session. The program will operate from June 21 to August 26.
It is expected that the SFSP will offer over 1 million meals this year. In addition to serving summer meals at affiliated sites, DHCD will offer a mobile meals program that will provide breakfast and lunch at additional locations where access to food is needed.
The meals, which are provided at no cost to the children, are freshly prepared and delivered daily by the contracted food vendors to the sites. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, through The Maryland State Department of Education's School and Community Nutrition Program, provides funding for the SFSP. DHCD is an equal opportunity provider.
To locate a meals site, parents are encouraged to call 410-396-0773, or visit to access where you can enter a zip code to locate a meals site near you.
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