HOME Investment Partnerships Program

The HOME Program provides rental and homeownership opportunities to low and very-low-income persons and families (as those terms are defined in the HOME Program regulations at 24 CFR Part 92) by increasing the stock of decent, safe, and sanitary affordable housing.

You can research affordable housing projects that have been funded through the HOME program using our interactive map.  Data is available showing the location and type of unit (i.e. one bedroom, two bedroom, etc.).  These projects represent funding accomplishments of the HOME Program.  We hope this data will also be a helpful resource to housing seekers.

In accordance with Baltimore City's Consolidated Plan, which is updated every five years, DHCD uses HOME Program funds as gap financing for the hard costs of construction in projects of five or more units. Funds are normally limited to $30,000 per unit. These limits may be exceeded, up to the HOME Program regulatory limits, for good reason and at the sole discretion of the Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Housing and Community Development. Rental projects and projects providing for-sale housing for income-eligible homebuyers are eligible and may be rehabilitation or new construction. Assistance will be structured on a flexible basis. Developments will be expected to repay HOME loans if superior debt allows and/or on a cash flow basis.

HOME-ARP Award - Draft Plan and Comment Form

The City of Baltimore through its Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) wishes to notify citizens, non-profit agencies, businesses and City Departments of their intent to submit an Allocation Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) related to the use of the HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) award to the City of Baltimore as part of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Program.   Subject to the acceptance of the Allocation Plan, the following amount will be awarded by the HUD and available to the City:
HOME-ARP $15,456,082.00

Review Draft Plan 

Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) NOFA - All Developers

Baltimore City Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) typically releases a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) funding round for housing and community development projects in conjunction with the State’s 9% Low-Income Housing Tax Credit round in the Spring/Summer of each year.

NEW for 2023 – Due to the limited availability of HOME Investment Partnerships Program (“HOME”) funds relative to existing commitments, Baltimore City DHCD will delay its annual Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the available HOME Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) funds until Summer 2023 at which time it will be issued in conjunction with a forthcoming NOFA for a portion of the City’s HOME-American Rescue Plan Program (HOME-ARP) Supplemental Allocation of $15,456,082 to serve individuals experiencing homelessness and related, special populations. 

Although the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) NOFA will not be released in conjunction with the expected Spring 2023 applications to the State of Maryland for projects seeking Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC), applicants to the State’s 2023 9% Low-Income Housing Tax Credit round are encouraged to contact the Department regarding a letter of support as part of their submission. This letter will indicate if a project is consistent with existing City priorities, plans, and objectives. Depending on the project’s eligibility, the letter may also reference other financing or support the City is able to offer at this time, such as Affordable Housing Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreements (PILOTs), Seller’s Notes, or below market land transactions subject to the approval of the Board of Estimates. Applicants should contact Alexandra Hoffman, Director of Project Finance, regarding these requests at alexandra.hoffman@baltimorecity.gov or (443) 202-6385.

Community Housing Development Organizations

Subject to the availability of funds, proposals for HOME funding are accepted from Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO) on a continuing basis.

 For more information on submission requirements for CHDOs Click HERE.


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