Homeownership Incentives

Welcome to the Office of Homeownership!

The Office of Homeownership offers a variety of incentive programs to homebuyers purchasing in Baltimore City. These incentives can make buying a home more affordable by lowering your closing costs and boosting your downpayment.

All incentives require homeownership counseling from a City-approved homeownership counseling agency within one year before writing an offer on a home, and a minimum $1,000 investment from the homebuyer's own funds towards the purchase of the property. All incentives are provided as five-year forgivable loans except for Live Near Your Work, which is offered as a grant.

All applications will require the Title Company’s EIN number for any checks to be processed. In Neighborly the box to enter that number is located under (H. Closing Information) under the (Application). Without this information, your case WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. Thank You.

Please note that homeownership incentive checks are generally issued 10-15 business days after applications are approved. Please plan accordingly and submit your application as early as possible, but no later than thirty days before settlement.

Incentive Programs and Contact Information

General information about our Incentive Programs are listed below.
For assistance, email DHCD.Homeownership@baltimorecity.gov or call (410) 396-3124.

Our application is online.  To register your account, sign in, and submit an application, visit our Applicant Portal. Please note that your housing counseling agency and lender must complete the online application if you are applying for the First-Time Homebuyers Incentive Program.

Baltimore City Employee Homeownership Program - $5,000 or $10,000 for employees of City and quasi-City agencies who have been employed for at least six months. 

Buying Into Baltimore - $5,000 awarded by lottery to people who attend a Live Baltimore Trolley Tour and meet other conditions. 

First-Time Homebuyers Incentive Program - Formerly known as the CDBG Homeownership Assistance Program, this program has been rebranded and revamped! For applications submitted on or after May 1, 2022, the base incentive amount is $10,000 for first-time homebuyers with a household income at or below 80% of the area median income. Current income limits are shown in the table below.

Household Size Income Limit
1 $68,450
2 $78,200
3 $88,000
4 $97,950
5 $105,600
6 $113,400
7 $121,250
8 $129,050

An additional $5,000 bonus is available to homebuyers who (a) purchase the house they have rented and occupied for at least six months, or (b) have a disability or have a household member with a disability. This definition of disability, which is based on federal law, is used for determining eligibility for this program.

Live Near Your Work - This partnership with participating employers encourages homeownership near places of employment. The City matches employers' contributions between $1,000 and $2,500, for total incentives of $2,000-$5,000+, depending on the employer. 

Vacants to Value Booster - $10,000 incentive for properties that were subject to a City-issued Vacant Building Notice for at least one year prior to (a) rehabilitation of the property by a developer, or (b) sale of the property to a homebuyer who intends to renovate the property using an acquisition/rehabilitation loan. A Certificate of Occupancy for the property must be submitted at the time of application. 

Incentive Tracker (as of  02/10/2025)

Incentives are budgeted annually for the City's fiscal year, which begins July 1 and ends June 30. The chart below shows incentives that are currently available for each program.  Incentives are on a first-come first-served basis. Be sure to schedule settlement at least 30 days out from submitting an application for available incentives. 

Program Name Remaining Incentives
Baltimore City Employee Homeownership Program 31
Buying Into Baltimore (Apply after taking a Live Baltimore Trolly tour) 45
First-Time Homebuyers Incentive Program 0
Live Near Your Work 77
Vacants to Value Booster  0

Additional Resources

Baltimore Homeownership Incentive Program Flyer

How to Maximize Your Homebuying Experience 

Office of Homeownership Policies & Procedures 

Online Application Registration and Sign-In

Live Near Your Work Policies & Procedures

Live Near Your Work Employer Verification Form

Live Near Your Work Employer Application

Live Baltimore Home Center

Maryland Mortgage Program