Community Development Block Grants
CDBG, one of the Department of Housing and Community Development’s (DHCD) greatest success stories, is a HUD program designed to give local jurisdictions power to distribute federal funds directly to non-profit and public agencies that support housing and public-service programs.
Program Year 48 - Streamlined Budget
About the CDBG Program
The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program is authorized under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. CDBG’s primary objective is to develop viable communities by providing low- to moderate-income families with decent, affordable housing and to expand local economic opportunities.
To achieve the primary objective, the CDBG regulation specifies 26 eligible activities that can be funded with CDBG funds. At least 70% of the CDBG funds must be used for activities that benefit low- to moderate-income persons. Activities to be undertaken with CDBG funds must be eligible and must meet at least one of the following CDBG national objectives:
- Providing benefits to low- and moderate-income persons
- Aiding in the elimination or prevention of slums and blight
- Meeting an urgent need (usually a national disaster -- a hurricane, flood, earthquake)
DHCD is the authorized representative for the City of Baltimore regarding the oversight and management of the CDBG Program. Responsibilities include:
Preparation of Annual Action Plans.
The Annual Action Plan is the application submitted to the federal government to receive funding under four formula programs: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG), HOME Investment Partnership (HOME), and Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA).
Managing the Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS).
The IDIS is HUD's system for tracking approved activities and is used to set up, report on, and draw-down federal funds for the CDBG, ESG, HOME, and HOPWA Programs.
Generating Grantee Activity Summary Reports.
DHCD submits this year-end report, generated through IDIS, annually to HUD. It summarizes program accomplishments and provides HUD and the public with activity descriptions, fund allocations, and expenditures, the total number of beneficiaries, etc.
Monitoring CDBG Fund Recipients.
DHCD is required to monitor and review the performance and activities being undertaken by organizations and city agencies that are recipients of CDBG funds. The primary focus of this review is to ensure activities are in compliance with the CDBG Program.
All CDBG Funding recipients are required to submit reports 15 days after the end of each quarter. Quarterly reports should be submitted to the CDBG Contract Administrator here. Subrecipients are required to submit all pieces of their quarterly reports prior to funds being released.
For more information, contact:
Department of Housing and Community Development
CDBG Office
417 E. Fayette Street
Room 1101
Baltimore, MD 21202
P: 410-396-1966