Lead Hazard Reduction

Why Is Lead a Hazard?

Lead is a poisonous metal that was used in building construction and household paints prior to 1978. Lead can affect children’s brains and developing nervous systems, causing reduced IQ, learning disabilities, and behavioral problems. People are most commonly exposed to lead through dust, paint chips, or soil, so extra care must be taken to minimize these risks in homes built before 1978. 

Learn more about lead-safe renovations and repair and in this EPA lead hazard information pamphlet.

Learn about additional resources on childhood lead poisoning prevention provided by the Baltimore City Health Department.

What Is the Lead Hazard Reduction Program?

The Lead Hazard Reduction Program (LHRP) is a grant-funded program that works with applicants to apply interventions to make the home safe for the family and children that live there. 

LHRP helps to determine the presence and location of existing lead hazards and select cost-effective and sustainable interventions to reduce or eliminate lead hazards. Some of these interventions include:

  • Window replacement
  • Door replacement
  • Wall stabilization
  • Minimal structural repairs

Learn more about DHCD's Lead Hazard Reduction Program in this brochure.

How Do I Qualify?

The program is available for families with a pregnant woman or a child under age 6 living in the house. LHRP will consider clients who have a child  who does not live in the house but spends 3 hours a day on two separate days a week and a total of 60 hours per year at the property. 

Both homeowners and landlords may apply to the program. Landlords are expected to contribute a portion of the cost of the lead hazard reduction services. Funding is provided in the form of either a grant or a loan, depending on income and financial status of clients.

Income Guidelines

Number of People
in Household
Annual Income
1 $62,600
2 $71,500
3 $80,500
4 $89,400
5 $96,600
6 $103,750
7 $110,900
8 $118,050

How do I apply?

Apply online or complete a pre-application and send it to:

LIGHT Intake & Assessment Unit
417 East Fayette Street, Suite 1125
Baltimore, MD 21202

If you have any questions, please contact us at (410) 396-3023.

Additional Resources