Inclusionary Housing Update

Ordinance 24-308, Inclusionary Housing for Baltimore City goes into effect 180 days after it was enacted on January 23, 2024. This means the Law becomes operational on July 21, 2024.

Any residential housing projects that apply for a building permit on or after July 21, 2024, must submit an inclusionary housing plan in accordance with Section 2B-22(A) of the law.

Inclusionary housing requirements apply to projects that

- Include 20 or more units
- Receive a major public subsidy OR Benefit from Significant land use authorization
- Are newly constructed, substantial rehab or converted from a non-residential housing use
- the cost of construction or conversion exceeds $60,000 per unit

The Law can be found here: Art 13 - Housing (28JUN24).pdf (

Rules and Regulations will be posted for public comment in accordance with the City’s Administrative requirements.

DHCD is providing this draft program manual which includes a draft inclusionary housing plan.  The manual will remain in draft form pending the issuance of final rules and regulations.  A public comment period will be announced for the rules and regulations and the program manual.


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