City Issues $6 Million Notice of Funding Availability for Affordable Rental Housing
Monday May 2nd, 2022
Baltimore, MD – The Baltimore City Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD) is making up to $6 million available from the Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) to support new construction of affordable rental housing and/or rehabilitation of existing rental projects for affordable housing. This Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) is the third NOFA made available from the AHTF for this purpose.
“Support for affordable rental housing is a key component of our larger equitable community development strategy,” said Mayor Brandon M. Scott. “We are working diligently to expand the supply of quality affordable housing, and the work of the Trust Fund has helped bring more than $20 million to the marketplace to support this objective.”
The Trust Fund was created to support both rental and for-sale affordable housing for very-low and low-income households. Spending plans and priority allocations are discussed and generated during monthly public meetings of the AHTF. Since 2019, a combination of awards for Community Land Trust, providing permanently affordable homeownership opportunities; new construction of affordable rental housing; preservation of affordable rental housing; housing repairs; and anti-homelessness support have been advanced.
“Investing into the housing needs of low-income Baltimore residents is critically important,” said Kevin Daniels, President, Affordable Housing Trust Fund Commission. “The Trust Fund is working as the public envisioned, and we are pleased to be able to commit these resources to the marketplace.”
Eligible applicants for this NOFA can request a maximum of $1 million per project. Trust funds can be used to fund up to 33 percent of a project’s total development costs.
DHCD will host a virtual pre-proposal conference on Wednesday, May 4, from 5-6:30 p.m. Visit, and go to the “Events” section for the log-on information.
Applications are due by 4 p.m., EST, on Wednesday, June 10, 2022. Learn more about this NOFA.