Outdoor Art Drawing Attention to Prime Locations Throughout City

Baltimore artists, designers, architects, and Park Heights residents recently participated in the Lots Alive Sculpture Contest Program, which was sponsored by the Baltimore Office of Sustainability’s Green Network in partnership with the Baltimore Office of Promotion & the Arts. DHCD identified the vacant lots for the program’s use.

Six artists were selected to construct community art works on five city-owned vacant lots along Park Heights Avenue, and were awarded grants up to $5,000 to complete their projects. Lots Alive supports the creation of temporary outdoor art showcased on city-owned vacant lots within the Baltimore City limits through the Baltimore Green Network. This city-led effort uses sustainable, innovative, and cost-effective practices for stabilizing and holding land for redevelopment, and reusing vacant land to green neighborhoods, reduce storm water runoff, grow food, and create community spaces.

Through the Lots Alive program, DHCD seeks to draw attention to prime city sites for activation and investment. Each project is expected to be installed for 12 months.  For more information on the winners and their art, visit http://promotionandarts.org/grants/lots-alive

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