Recent News

Inclusionary Housing Draft Interim Report Available for Public Comment

Inclusionary Housing refers to municipal and county planning ordinances requiring a given share of new construction be affordable. DHCD is working to offer recommendations for new legislation to improve the ordinance’s effectiveness in creating new affordable units and supporting equitable community development.

Mayor Scott Appoints Alice Kennedy Housing Commissioner

Mayor Brandon M. Scott is announcing the appointment of longtime Baltimore City public servant and housing policy expert Alice Kennedy to lead DHCD as permanent Commissioner and chief executive. Kennedy, who previously served as the Acting Commissioner for DHCD, will transition to her new position effective immediately.

Mayor Announces Details of Baltimore City Pandemic Rent Court Program, Focused on Preventing Evictions

Mayor Brandon M. Scott announced the details of a program that will connect people and families facing eviction with resources and support at the courthouse. The Baltimore City Pandemic Rent Court Program will allow litigants to apply for back-rent assistance on-site at rent court through Baltimore’s Eviction Prevention Program.

City Announces Funding Availability of $4 Million for Community Land Trusts

Mayor Brandon M. Scott and the Baltimore City Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD) have announced a second Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for Community Land Trusts (CLTs) – Single Family Homeownership. DHCD is making up to $4 million available for CLT initiatives through the City’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund. 

Baltimore City Program Awarded $1 Million from HUD to Help Low-Income Elderly Homeowners Age in Place

In August the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced nationwide funding awards for programs providing safety modifications and repairs for low-income elderly homeowners. The Baltimore City Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD) was among the awards named, receiving the maximum amount of $1 million.

Mayor Scott Kicks Off Renovations for Historic Arch Social Club

The City of Baltimore launched its Community Catalyst Grants program to focus resources in long-disinvested areas and spur growth, transformation, and additional investment.  The Arch Social Club is one of the recipients of these funds whose plans are now coming to fruition.

$2.7 Million Awarded in City Funds to Support Affordable Rental Housing Developments

The City of Baltimore announced the award of $2,750,000 in funding to support New Construction/Preservation of Existing Rental Housing.  The funding from the Affordable Housing Trust Fund supports five affordable housing projects in Baltimore City.

Mayor Scott, DHCD Announce Second Round of Community Catalyst Grants, Totaling $5.8 Million

Mayor Brandon M. Scott and DHCD announce the award of $5,826,582 in grant funds through the Community Catalyst Grants (CCG) Program. The goal of CCG, a competitive awards program, is to provide capital and operating funds for community-driven revitalization efforts.

Mayor Scott Announces $9.6 Million For Housing Upgrades to Benefit Seniors

The City and several funders are investing a combined $9,650,000 in funding support to continue the Housing Upgrades to Benefit Seniors initiative. This initiative provides home modifications, repairs, and wraparound services for older adult homeowners.

New Vacant Property Signage Helps Identify Owner Information

DHCD began implementing City Council Bill 19-0429, which requires posting signage on vacant buildings providing information to identify the owners of vacant properties. When scanned, the signage features a QR Code that directs users to DHCD’s Vacant Property Resources and Information Page  where the public can access the Agency’s Property-Owner Information portal for information about a vacant building that includes the owner or responsible agent’s name, address, phone number, and email contact if available.
