Recent News

Buying a Rehabbed Home in Baltimore City?

Anyone buying a home in Baltimore City is encouraged to ask one simple question: Does the house you are about to purchase have a Vacant Building Notice?

Overhaul of City’s Building Permitting and Inspections System Takes Next Step

Accela Professional Services Agreement Approved

Baltimore City Announces $30 Million Housing Accelerator Fund

Scott Administration Adds to Historic Investment in Affordable Housing, Making Permanent Supportive Housing A Top Priority

City Announces $4 Million in funds available for Community Land Trust Homeownership Projects

Qualified applicants can request up to $1 million per project

Mayor Scott and DHCD Announce Community Catalyst Grants Totaling $1.9 Million

Grant Program Funds Locally Driven Community Development Projects

DHCD Announces 2023 Summer Food Service Program

The Baltimore City Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD) announces the 2023 Summer Food Service Program (SFSP).

City Establishes Expedited Process to Approve Federal Grant Awards

The reimbursement process to put grant funds into the hands of nonprofit providers just got shortened.

Mayor Brandon M. Scott Announces Baltimore's Success in Housing Over 1,400 Households Experiencing Homelessness

Mayor Brandon M. Scott announced that Baltimore City exceeded its goals that were set in partnership with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Marcia L. Fudge, states, municipalities, and tribes through HUD’s House America initiative.

Baltimore Announces $10.75 Million for Affordable Housing Developments

DHCD announced the availability of $10,750,000 in Affordable Housing Trust Fund dollars to support new construction of affordable rental housing and/or rehabilitation of existing rental projects for affordable housing. 

Affordable Housing Projects Get Boost From City

Mayor Brandon M. Scott announced grant awards for multiple Community Land Trusts in support of affordable housing efforts. This was the third round of capital grants for CLT work in Baltimore city, and the first round of operating support for working capital provided to these organizations.
