Deadline Extended for Homeowners’ Property Tax Credit Program

Baltimore, MD – The Baltimore City Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD) is encouraging Baltimore homeowners to utilize the property tax credit program for homeowners with a combined household income of less than $60,000.  Online applications for the tax credit can be submitted until October 1, 2019 – an extension from the regular annual filing deadline of September 1.

The State of Maryland Homeowners’ Property Tax Credit program provides credits against the homeowner’s property tax bill if the property taxes exceed a fixed percentage of the homeowner’s gross income.  Homeowners pursuing this tax credit must submit a new application every year.

Persons wishing to utilize the tax credit this year can file using the online filing portal found here: DHCD’s Homeownership and Housing Preservation Division is available to assist homeowners in completing the application. 

The public can visit 2700 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218, during the following times.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday – 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Tuesday and Thursday – 9 a.m.-7 p.m.

Identification, and income information such as 2018 tax returns, social security benefit statements, W-2s, and/or paystubs for the applicant, spouse, and any other household members, must be provided. Income information must be reported for the homeowner and spouse and all other occupants of the household unless they are dependents, or they are paying rent or room and board. 

Other Requirements

Before eligibility can be considered, applicants must meet four basic requirements:

  • You must own or have a legal interest in the property.
  • The property must be your principal residence (lived in for at least six months of the year, including July 1, unless you are a recent home purchaser or unable to do so because of your health or need of special care).
  • Your net worth, excluding the value of the property on which you are seeking the credit or any qualified retirement savings or Individual Retirement Accounts, must be less than $200,000.
  • Your combined gross household income cannot exceed $60,000.

For more information, visit


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