
  • The Office of the Zoning Administrator is responsible for ensuring that construction activity and land use comply with the City's zoning code. Our office is located in Room 147 of the Benton Building, 417 E Fayette Street.

Our primary responsibilities include:

  • Issuing zoning authorizations and use permits
  • Inspect structures and review land uses to ensure compliance with the zoning code
  • Initiate appropriate actions when zoning violations exist

In addition, the zoning administrator maintains permanent records of all maps adopted under the zoning code; all amendments to the zoning code; applications for and approvals of conditional uses and variances; and appeals that are submitted to the Board of Municipal Zoning Appeals (BMZA).

We receive, file, and forward to the BMZA applications for conditional uses, variances, appeals, and other matters on which the Board is required to act; and determine the use, lot, and bulk regulations. To review appeals taken to the BMZA Click here.

Zoning Resources

Conditional Use Authorization Application for Live Entertainment and/or Dancing

Reasonable Accommodations

Policies and procedures and how to request a Reasonable Accommodation.

Application Form to Request a Reasonable Accommodation and Frequently Asked Questions

When answering why a waiver of the four-person limit is therapeutically beneficial or financially necessary to provide housing for individuals with disabilities, this information may be of use.

Relevant Links