Notice of Funding Availability - Housing Accelerator Fund and HOME- ARP

The Baltimore City Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), the Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services (MOHS), and the Mayor’s Office of Recovery Programs (MORP) announced a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the creation of permanent supportive housing. This is an investment of nearly $30 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds - $15.2 million from the City’s American Rescue Plan Act State and Local Recovery funds (SLFRF) and $14.7 million from the Home Investment Partnerships Program American Rescue Plan Act (HOME-ARP).

The NOFA proposes maximum awards for the construction of affordable housing of up to $250,000 per unit for permanent supportive housing and up to $100,000 per unit for traditional affordable housing. Additionally, projects will be eligible for awards of up to $500,000 for predevelopment costs associated with the funded units.

NOTE:  The Neighborly application portal for the Housing Accelerator and Home-ARP NOFA opened Friday October 20, 2023.  The application deadline for this NOFA was November 20, 2023.


Permanent Supportive Housing NOFA Fact Sheet

Frequently Asked Questions

View Housing Accelerator Fund Application Webinar (11/2/2023)

Housing Accelerator Fund Application Webinar PowerPoint Presentation

View Permanent Supportive Housing 101 Webinar

Pre-Proposal Conference PowerPoint Presentation
Pre-Proposal Conference Recording

NOTE:  Please note that Housing Accelerator Program funds can be used to support applications for the State's 9% Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) round this year.  Applicants to the State’s 2023, 9% Low-Income Housing Tax Credit round that meet the Accelerator Program threshold requirements will be eligible to receive a Letter of Support to include as part of their submission to Maryland DHCD.  Letters of Support will be issued prior to the State's 12/15/2023 submission deadline. 

Inquiries should be sent to Paul Stanford, Director of Grants Administration at

Due to limited availability of HOME funds relative to existing commitments, Baltimore City DHCD will not issue a separate Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for subordinate financing through the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME Program).