DHCD E-Permits Resources

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Getting Started in the New E-Permits System

The new E-Permits is LIVE! The resources below will help you access, navigate, and use the new DHCD E-Permits and upgraded ProjectDox systems.

The DHCD E-Permits FAQs provides a list of common questions and answers.

If I already have/had an account, do I need to create an account in the new E-Permits?

Yes, you must create an account in the new E-Permits. 

Can I use the same account information that I had before?

Yes; if you had an account, you can use the same account information to create your new E-Permits account. ​

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you used ePlans (ProjectDox), you must use the same email account to connect your new account to your previous records. ​

How will I find my permits/license registrations if I had an account before? (PIN Record Number Process)

You will use the PIN Record Number Process to connect your new E-Permits account to your current permits or license registrations. 

Do I have to create an account to search for permit or license information?

No, you do not need to create an account to search permit or license registration information in E-Permits.​

Where can I find more information on how to apply for a permit or license registration in the new E-Permits?​

Visit Permit Like A Pro to review step-by-step E-Permits How-To Guides and E-Permits video recordings.

Where can I find more information about the permitting process?

Go to https://dhcd.baltimorecity.gov/pi/permits for more resources about the permitting process.

Where do I go or who do I contact for help? 

View the Support Guide to get your E-Permits-related questions answered and for a list of contacts.

Visit Permit Like A Pro to review step-by-step E-Permits How-To Guides and E-Permits video recordings.
See the Quick Reference Guide for quick links to available resources.
The E-Permits Glossary provides a list of key terms and definitions.

"What's New" Information Bulletin Series

Volume 1- Permits Consolidations and Streamlining

Volume 2 - New Features in the E-Permits Portal