Needs & Performance Public Hearing

Needs & Performance Public Hearing

Wednesday, November 13, 2019 - 6:00pm

The DHCD and the Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services (MOHS), the City wishes to notify citizens, non-profit organizations, private businesses and City Departments of its intent to apply for funding under four Federal formula programs: Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnership, Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS, and Emergency Solutions Grant.

This hearing will afford citizens an opportunity to discuss community needs and review the City’s past performance in using the four formula programs. It is also an opportunity to make the public aware of the need to prepare a new Consolidated Plan covering the July 2020 through June 2025 period. The Consolidated Plan provides the strategic framework governing the allocation of the four formula grant funds.

City Hall
100 N. Holiday Street
Board of Estimates Room
Baltimore, MD 21201