Citywide Housing Plan Town Hall

Citywide Housing Plan Town Hall

Saturday, October 5, 2024 - 10:00am to 12:00pm

Earlier this year, Mayor Scott announced that his administration is working to develop the city’s first-ever Comprehensive Housing Plan, an initiative led by the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). The Comprehensive Housing Plan aims to outline a long-term city-wide vision for Baltimore’s housing policy and provide an overarching road map to ensure that the various programs and policy plans from different agencies--such as the $3 billion vacant housing vision introduced by Mayor Scott, BUILD, and GBC--are executed cohesively.

Attend in person or on-line.  Use virtual link to register for Zoom option. 

Town Hall FlyerHousing Plan Flyer in Spanish

Baltimore Polytechnic Institute
1400 W. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, MD 21209